Meaning To Everything...the Relationships...

After many of my experiences thus far and also all that i've heard, i realise that the only thing really that makes life meaningful is our relationships with friends, family and most importantly God....this is the exact same conclusion that i made in my very old post the "Lonely Idealist". But, you know the thing is that i've gone through a journey and have come back to the same conclusions, because in the first place i found the truth but things distracted me, and now, i've come back, not the same person, but i learned many things...still, i now can say with much greater conviction that relationships are the only things of meaning in life, of course, the most important is still our relationship with God. The thing is that i realised the we can have all the material and experiences in the world but if we can't share this with someone and do things for God's means absolutely NOTHING...!!! This i suppose means that, we can still enjoy life but for the purpose of enjoying the company of people or just God. I feel that God also created life in such a way that only when we do things that glorify Him in the way we live do we actually enjoy life for what it really is. Of course, in a way, when we enjoy life, we still glorify God...but still we shouldn't indulge in like pleasures which are quite meaningless...but anw my point here is that it only when we share our experiences with others do these things have meaning. However, if we had to give up everything, it wouldn't matter, because...the truth is ultimately, your relationship with God is all important, still this is not to say that family and friends aren't important, but to glorify God is the only reason for our existence. Of course, actually by loving family and friends you are loving God, and so are also glorifying God, but, you can actually be nice to your family and friends and yet not accept God and all your efforts to love will be in vain.
So, you know as this week we all commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and remember the love for us by the work on the cross, and that one day He will return again, really, to have relationship with God is the only meaningful thing, and by trusting in Him we are saved by His death on the cross...and that love belongs to us and by trusting in Him, we love Him for the love that He showed on the cross.

Also, today, as i relax on the couch at home while watching my sis play some dancing game on WII and listening to the background music such as songs like Lips of An Angel. I thought about all the things that people engage in in terms of like leisure and stuff, and i really asked myself, do all these really matter?...and i asked myself whether relationships like i mean friends really are what make the difference?...I concluded that like friends really are too me the most important, and i realise that what makes me happiest is to spend time with friends, and that, what makes like all the pleasures such as like movies, vacations and whatever form of entertainment whatever it is, what makes it fun, great and meaningful is when we do these things with friends.
I mean, thats why i get like so affected when i feel like no one wants to be friends with me, if being sensitive when people stop saying Hi to me...its coz my experiences and everything to me only matters if i'm sharing the experience with the people around me, even like the experience of school and stuff. Right now, i must say my relationships with family is still working at the moment and i feel like i'm getting so much closer to God. My only complaint at the moment is that friendships are eluding me, and so i've been like repeating over and over, about how i need friends. Yepp, relationships are the givers of meaning.

Now, i feel this way, that, I'm very happy and striving everyday to live the purpose driven life, and i feel like my life's much more meaningful...thats all that matters and even though i'm still struggling to have friends, thats not stopping me from living the life God wants for me...and right now since are barely have friends, i can only find friends and can't lose anymore friends...till i find true friends, it wouldn't matter, i'll just be joyful and it'll just be even greater when that day comes...


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