One purpose, God...One passion, Life

I'm typing this at a time when i should be studying, but i can't help but post this super important post to me. Well, in this post, i set out to show more about myself, other than my personality type and to speak about my passion for life and the importance of God in life...and i also hope this will show that i'm not negative and so anti-life...i.e. don't enjoy life...I have such a burning desire to type this post, coz what i thought about today, was somehow inspired, and i want to share it...SO ITS A HAVE TO READ!!!...this post...

To start, i wanna say that i'm very happy and PASSIONATE about life which apparently doesn't seem to show...This is because, alot of people tell me that i'm negative and look and sound so unhappy...which is totally not the case which i'm going to show in this post...well, the only reason why i gave people the wrong impressions is because i never showed all the stuff the makes me and i was trying to understand myself better and did not know completely how to enjoy and contribute with my life...and by no means i'm i saying i completely know now or that enjoying life is the main purpose or goal in life but to live the life God wants you to is...and enjoying life is a smaller part of the main purpose God has given for our what i'm saying is that God encompasses all of what life is and there are many things that fall within this area...many of the smaller things like enjoying life but these are also a important part of life. In fact, God created us to enjoy life too...though thats not the main now i will share the whole thought process that went through my head its just my reflections and at the end i will draw out the conclusions to show what i now know from this moment of deep thought i had...

Firstly, i began to look at life...with the main question...What i want and like to do in life?...I wrote down my thoughts in my rough book in the form of a mind map...and so some of it is repeated coz it is very messy and some may seem unrealistic but are my wishes so here it is...

Hobbies, watching soccer...EPL, chess, reading, collecting cool gadgets, and hanging i dun know, maybe malls..I play video games...favourite game has to be FIFA08, i would love to have like probably every type of game console and game...and the latest ones in the future...i watch TV too, my favourite channels are sports, discovery and nat geo.

Music i like and stuff...i like pop and rock music..maybe a bit of country...favourite artiste are like backstreetboys, chris daughtry, kelly clarkson, carrie underwood, hilary duff...and that kind of ya...and i have an ipod future, i would love to always have the coolest music players ya...

The sports i love are, soccer...i support, probably roger federer...actually i just love sports in ya

The food i favourite food has got to be Japanese food...and i like food alot, watch lots of the cooking shows on Discovery travel and living...i try all kinds of food, except bizzare food. Maybe, in future, i would love to taste food from like all over the world...

Holidaes, i hope to have in future...are like to places all over the world, love travel so so much...i've been like to m'sia, USA, Australia, Japan...btw love it the best...Also, in future yea, i would love to like visit all the famous places, tourist attractions, and theme/amusement parks in the world...i would like love to see all the cities even maybe countrysides, tt kind of stuff...

Now to just a wide range of random things i'd like to do....not many people know, i actually like singing alot, even probably drawing...and if i were able to run, cycle...and what maybe dance...this one not exactly...but coz these are stuff i can't do so ya...I like taking walks at parks, malls and nice tourist attractions tt kind of stuff...I also actually like taking cool pictures of places i go and document moments by capturing it using camera and video...i enjoy nature alot too. I love watching movies day, i also hope to watch a live soccer match, watch an F1 race...and watch different kinds of performances...seriously all types...I've also never been on a cruise and would love to one day...Oh also, one of these days i like to ride the s'pore flyer...and a wild one like maybe going to space one day...

More stuff...i like to have many of those once in a lifetime kind of experiences...i mean this in a good way...ok...I would love to buy all the coolest stuff...this ones a repeat...i.e. gadgets..accessories such as cool glasses which i already have haha...and watches...just giving examples...

Now to things i hope to do with my life...I would love to have a really cool car with high tech gadgets, a big house designed the way i like it, a private jet and boat...

Job, i want to become an Industrial Designer or Architect...yea...and i also hope to be able to use all of my talents...which i probably don't even know yet...maybe write a book, play music in a in a ya this is the bulk of it...

Now, here's where i began to think about the GIVING, not just the taking...and actually thought about the most important thing...I hope to thru all the things i do, i can help and contribute the the world...

Then, the part i think i struggle the most with...but is by far the more important social life...i love to make friends...seriously, although it doesn't seem like it and i'm an introvert. My family life...i just hope to be able to enjoy my family for as long as i things together..and go thru thick and thin together. In my post, the lonely idealist...i mentioned about the fundamental that is family and friends coz these are the only things that can last forever...and ever...thats why one always see me constantly like a broken record...writing about how i want to have a good family and social life...tts why...

FINALLY, i what is said in the bible...everything, everything is meaningless!!!...My spiritual life!!! actually the MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!! i want to more importantly...grow my relationship with God...and LIVE THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE!!!...which has five elements...WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP, EVANGELISM, DISCIPLESHIP, ya..
However, this is not to say that since everything else is meaningless...that we or even I for this matter should deprive ourselves of living life...but we must keep in mind that to do what God calls us to do is the most fulfilling thing ever...and we will enjoy life the greatest in this way...and about enjoying life in the other ways...its fine, in fact God enjoys, seeing enjoy life with our five senses since He Himself came down to earth as a man. Still, we have to be careful not to think that we should just enjoy life with no responsibility to do what is as we do that we need to rmb that...

Thus, by the time i ended my thinking "session"...the conclusion of the matter is that...God is the ultimate thing for life...and the thing i want to let everyone know is that...God is a real and awesome God...without Him life is a BIG VOID...searching for meaning and happiness in life...look no further than Our Lord Jesus Christ...i don't know how to say this...but there's nothing better than having the Lord in your life...we cannot but believe and trust and love other words...there's is NO WAY that we should do anything other than believe in the Lord...the only way y'll know is to taste that the Lord is good...and that will lead to the answer to a fulfilling is life lived in the way God wants us to...our God is indeed an AWESOME God...

In conclusion, i have defined and showed who i am...a relationship with God is the most important in life..., we should not just take from life but to give life simply and not being too serious about life is the way life should be is so full of potential and good things...we should leave all the unhappy things behind...we should also live life the way God wants us to not just because it is fulfilling and brings joy but because God has a perfect plan, and created us for a purpose, He plans to prosper and not to fail have no fear and enjoy life and live life the way God wants us to...and we will and a life full of good memories that will last forever...and i hope to do this to and i would not even let any situation i'm in stop from enjoying and living life the right way...

To end, all i want is to live life the way God wants me to...thats the only way to live life...TRULY.!

At the end of this you may realise that this is so different from what my other blog posts have shown...but this has always been the way i thought just that i didn't show know this, i'm positive and happy...I LOVE LIFE AND AM PASSIONATE ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!..really..


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