Finding the Right Balance in 2024

2023 was an unexpectedly awesome year with some major highs but with a few worst moments which reminded me of the brevity and unpredictability of life. So for 2024 I'm trying to balance making the most of life and living in the moment but using my energy wisely so as not to overstretch myself and keep myself healthy for as long as possible.

My goals for 2024 are: 


  1. To attend Church physically more regularly and spend time reading the Bible. 
  2. To keep up with our dcf group meetings with a more hybrid approach 


  1. To continue to have regular hangouts/outings with friends.


  1. To win a medal at national boccia championship
  2. To enjoy power soccer 


  1. To do a song collaboration with sky shen and wheelsmith for MDAS 
  2. To do a sopken word about MD for MDAS
  3. Have workshop with artably
  4. Follow up with engineering good on prototypes 
  5. Propose 3d printing as part of MDAS programme



  1. Finalize 3d printed joystick 
  2. Plan for Australia holiday 
  3. Plan for an art exhibition 


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