Life the way it should be lived...

To be honest, i kinda wasted my holiday...coz not only could i not think of anything else better to than watch tv and play com, i did some revision of sku work and unproductively coz i didn't really concentrate. I've like also hit some rough times this holidae. Firstly, i feel that i have not been able to really catch up with like family, and "friends". Secondly, suddenly i kinda...feel like God seems distant, but i guess maybe it's a test of my i'm continuing to love and trust the Lord, and i been trying to do the things that strengthen faith as the holiday draws to a close since like thursday. I finally got started on like seriously following a Bible reading plan and am praying more often. I guess the not so good things that have happened over the holidaes, like my mistakes, rough times with people and just generally things not going well or as they should...have made me realise the need for me to trust in the Lord and just really how i need to maintain a good relationship with God which is the ultimate happiness. I really praying hard and trying my best to do just that i guess.

U know, rite now, i'm really really confused...coz it seems like since the last time when i felt that i finally understood the true way of living life, i seem to have lost my way but i kinda realise that there are many things that i've yet to understand about life. Everyday i keep on praying and reading God's word and just reflecting on life...hoping to reach the answer to the way to live life. The part that confuses me, is that i find it difficult to fit in many things that we do into the purpose driven life which is the way God wants us to live. I mean like let's say the pleasures of life, fun and stuff like that...i know that yea God's wants to enjoy life with the five senses He's given us, so where does all this enjoyment of life fit in. The first problem is that how do we enjoy life with the five senses, i find it difficult to come up with ways to enjoy life. Then, there's another problem, the Bible says that pleasures are meaningless, and i know this does not mean that we have to live like a monk, in fact life lived the way God wants us to is the most fulfilling ever...but so where does it fit in. Next, the things is are there other areas of life that i've left out...and are they things that fall under God's purposes for our lives. Coz, like the 5 main things as mentioned is like worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and where do all the things fit in.

The funny thing is that i can't seem to understand how to live life the way we should, other people seem to have a good balance in they seem to always have enjoyable, meaningful and wholesome things to do. Not only that, they seem to lead such Godly lives...not just in that they do what is right but also are so involved in the work of God. And yet, i don't even know how to live life. I mean like i've understood up till this point: that ok..let say monday to friday u have to go to work(sku), so thru this u use your talent and passion to do God's work and also to share God's work while yr at it. Then,you're off work, yea, u either hang out with friends b4 going home, and thru that have fellowship, then when u get home u spend time with family...then u have like quiet time with God. Thus, that, makes up the weekdays. Then, thru all the motions u go thru, u do it for God and u grow thru circumstances...this allows u to worship the Lord and grow in discipleship. Then, its the weekends, oh its saturday what, obviously its a rest day...ok fine, u sleep in. Have a nice late breakfast, then what are u going to do for the rest of the day...assuming yea, u do the mandatory thing every day, and u have quiet time, u meditate on the Word. But, obviously, u aren't expected to do that with absolutely all yr free time...(???) then what are to invest our free time in? Again, i must say its the holidaes that make me think abt such things but really how do u spend yr free time...?...i mean even as i mention what to do with yr free time...suddenly so many ideas spring up in my mind, of ways to enjoy yourself yet, in a way that fits in with one of these purposes that God has for our lives such as like having fellowship thru like playing sport with a grp of ppl, etc. But, that isn't really the confusing bit, the confusing bit is like there are so many things in life that we can do that are of course wholesome...but where do they fit in?...and worst part is that i'm not even sure what are all the things that we can invest our time in that we will live life to the fullest and yet live life according to God's purposes for our lives.

Right now, the best understanding i have of this is is divided into two parts giving and taking. And, we give to God not just directly to Him but also thru the people and thru yr daily walk with God...and thus u do the five of God's purposes for our lives, namely, worship, fellowship, evangelism, discipleship and ministry. Thru doing all these things we have the joy of living a fulfilling life with meaning, thus u in a way have enjoyment. Then, for the taking side of things, we enjoy the life God has given us by enjoying pleasures that God wired our five senses to enjoy and we also enjoy what God has created thru nature or maybe just thru all the things that He made Man to enjoying an entertainer or maybe just a game or like works that Man do thru the talent that God has given them, which result in things that we enjoy like maybe a resort or just like an amusement park. Then, again...this could just be a part of the God's five purposes for our life. Maybe, this is all to it.

So i guess, that by living life doing all these purposes God has for our lives and by enjoy the pleasures of is living life to the fullest...!!!...which of course is the purpose driven life.

Well, there people who are able to balance life in the right way, i guess of course it isn't too hard for anyone to do...for me now, just need to slowly fit the pieces together and learn more about how to enjoy the life God has given to us and how to apply the five purposes in life. Perhaps if i had the support of like really great true friends...who can guide me and experience life together in fellowship...i would be able to better enjoy life, i mean not just coz i can learn things from them, but to give greater meaning to the enjoyable experience of life...coz if we can't share life with people...even if u had everything u wanted and enjoyed all the best things, it won't matter...But, most importantly, God is what we need the most...

Thus, in signature style i end: To live life to the fullest, this is my ultimate desire...[in this i mean, to live the purpose driven life....!!!]

And its all about God...!!!


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