Back to School After the March Break...

Indeed, the March break wasn't a too restful time for me...although it seems only the beginning and ending of the break did i really feel good about it all. The thing is, i'm so much more full of energy and passion only after i've gone back to school, which i rarely feel during the holidaes unless i go on a vacation, which i haven't gone for in a long time.

Anw, so todae as usual we began the term with the Chapel where the teachers let in the worship songs...and yea, it was great..!!! The only thing is that, assembly was like so as usual...everyone just seeming so tired and so not sociable. (friendly) So, the chapel message this morning was about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, in the spirit of the Holy week, this week. The speaker spoke of like the immense suffering on the cross that Jesus went through. Then, he spoke about the reason God had to send His son to die on the cross...which obviously was, and is to pay the price for our sin. And, u know the way He put it i feel really seem to speak to everyone i feel, or at least me. I find that from so much that i've heard, and not just today's message...but alot of messages seem to put it in such a way that its impossible not to believe in God. Of course, for me it's easy to say that coz i'm a believer, but honestly i can't see how anyone will not but believe...just got to set examples to others and taste the greatness of God, and its impossible not to believe. And, its so amazing what God has done for us, by believing in God, we are forgiven for our sins past, present and future...and we are saved from death and have the awesome gift of salvation, all this was made possible by God's greatest act of love which was manifested in the giving of His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all our sins. Thus, as the speaker prayed u could really really sense God's presence, which there always is in ACJC...truly its hard not to believe in such a wonderful God. Whatever things that i've not done right, whatever troubles and unhappiness...fades away, as i just feel so inspired...and i'm so happy, just from the feeling of God's presence...amazing. Oh, there's one thing i forgot to say, God seemed to be speaking to me thru like the chapel message coz even like the exact Bible verses i was reading the other day were like qouted in the ya.

Thus, that brought chapel to an we had the annoucements and stuff. Then, of course the annoucement of the 2007 A Level results...and it was good the results...yea. There was also like lots of noise when they showed like the percentages...ppl were like taking the percentages almost like their chances of getting getting A's and that kind of stuff. Haha, but like its not really that the results are like proportionate to like the effort put was what was said. And, the speech by the prinicipal despite having a sore throat...seem to give great encouragement for our cohort to get the good results so that the results will have to be given out at the school field, lol...which was like the aim of our seniors. So yea that was assembly and chapel.

[Until now, reply to my well wishes for the A Level results, when like i cared so much...watever.]

Anw, the chapel took so long that there was no contact time...and i joined like wy, o and lt at the class next to the geog room, and like just b4 time for lesson, the rest of our classmates taking geog came along. Like, everyone were chatting and sometimes thats what makes me feel really left out, no offense...and well its just something that i can't change just becos of my situation which makes it so difficult for me to make friends. I mean like i so wish to be involve in more than just my own life...i really really want to be involved in friends and stuff...I'M NOT ASKING FOR MUCH MORE THAN JUST A FEW GOOD FRIENDS...desperately i'm wishing for friends. This i mentioned in my other post about how i'm hoping for this for watever's left of my JC life...and u know today it seems i'm still far from it.

However, by the end of geog lesson i was very pleased that i did so so well for phy geog with like 21/25 but it was a pity that i only got 9/25 for hum geog making my overall geog marks far from spectacular. Anw, i'm still just happy about my phy geog.

Then, chem lesson, came in to class when everyone had already gotten sitted...and i took a place in the second row...a seat away from the rest of the class, again feeling kinda isolated. But the only consolation here is that i'm nearer to the class physically than as friends..(sarcastic). Anw, so i dun know what's cause me to become so distant from the ppl i see more than any other...and ppl i wouldn't mention, were like so friendly and nice to me b4 seem to treat me coldy nowadays. I'm just a little upset that i lost so much ground in terms of my potential friendships. so tt was chem lesson...and we only did like two tutorial qns for the lesson. But, our teacher didn't release our results...):

Thereafter there was econs lesson, which came after a short 20min break. And, like our teacher like "soulded" us...more like give us constructive criticism, when like some students came in to borrow chairs from our class...and they got like rushed to take the chairs out..haha. Anw, so we got back our econs results...and thankfully, i got a respectable and pretty satisfying 35/55 for econs...not great but satisfying...a B which is an improvement from my promos results so its all good. Thus, by this time was pretty glad with all my results but u know its all thanks to God...who gave me the strength to do quite well.

Then, it was the 40min break, i joined o,s,gl, gr, wy,r in the canteen. Not like i'm superclose to all of them but like i'm just glad that alot of times i'm able to at least be with a grp of ppl, though i'm not like the closest friends to any of them...thats probably the only grp of ppl that like i can like even be close to being part of any grp of ppl in my class. Sometimes, i just wish i could say that like i really have a close friendship with a grp of ppl but sadly i don't. Anw, then b4 i headed back to class i said a few words to like M, EL...they like quite friendly at times too lah, the closest i come to friendships with the other grp. U know, one thing i hate is all these your grp, my grp business but thats life man, ppl form there own grps. Anw, like they do say hi or like ask how i am...ttkind of stuff. Still, i'm hoping to break into like whatever grps, and maybe try to go one step further in my "friendship" with the only grp i possibly am part of now. But, yea...sorry if i seem to be labeling but tts just the way things are...

Finally, there was GP, a movie about euthanasia called THE SEA INSIDE. This paralysed guy who ended His life...its a real story, pretty sad true story at that. But, the issue that i pondered about was more about, how life is for handicapped ppl, or for this matter a quadruplege. Still, i must say definitely its WRONG to end yr "suffering" by killing yourself, your life is God's and i'm sure God has a plan for everyone's life no matter whatever the circumstance. Anw, so i feel people don't realise how difficult life is for ppl who are handicapped. In my case, people always seem to be too worried that they will hurt me or like insult me...but it is precisely becos of this that they do that, by not treating me as the same as everyone. People should treat everyone the same even a handicapped person. Many ppl don't realise that it goes a long way when they love others and like just be friends, or even just by treating everyone the same. Yea, and u know one of the greatest struggles of like handicapped ppl is in friendships and was evident in the show of this difficulty to for example like finding a soulmate or even just friends, its difficult. One of the main reasons, is that there so much needed just to accomodate a person like this and who would look beyond...the outward appearance?...So anw, But what i must say is that i don't take my disability as a disadvantage, but God has His plan for me, and i don't blame no one. And, u know whatever situation anyone is in...whether like having a disabillity or whatever, there is so much in life there is to do, life is so full of potential and so wonderful. That's why u know, i always say that i want to live life to the fullest, becos life is so so fun and so great...i don't want to miss out on any of it, and also i wanna live my life so well to show that life can be lived so full no matter what situaiton we face, we got to got to enjoy every minute and second of life. Most importantly, life lived with God in our lives and with all the purposes God has for our lives, is the greatest and best and most fulfilling and meaningful way to live life. Such is the greatness of God and u know..the feeling of God in yr life every step of the way is so so inspiring and moving and awesome...words can't describe it.

I must say that today was a good day, with the only thing being that i wish to have like closer friendships with ppl not seeming to be achieveable yet, the only bad thing. And, today, i could feel like God's presence and u know just a great sense of contentment and joy tt is from the Lord. I don't know suddenly i'm like so so happy and so pumped up and so inspired...i keep using these same words coz i don't know how to describe this awesome feeling that God has like filled my heart with. Rite now, i just feel like so blessed and like my life is so perfect. I can really feel like God's working in my life...and all the bad things seem to have faded.

Life's now feeling so good...only wish i could share this joy with friends...anw, really by the end of this post all i want to say is that GOD IS SO GOOD ALL THE TIME...really...!!!

And, all i want and i ever need is you Lord...!!!


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