Wants...Me...Passion 4 Life...academics...Outing...Empty...

About my title for this post, well, yea...it sounds like a bunch of random words which have no apparent correlation, actually that's right, but anw, this is the assortment of topics i'll cover in this single post, which perhaps should have been done in a few separate posts but oh well, what do u know?...it's just my style, random and spontaneous and cramming stuff in to huge chunks...watever, that's the best possible description i can offer, but my post will say it all anw. These topics i guess, incorporates my thoughts, events in my life and in a sense looking ahead. So, now straight to that...

Many i times, i struggle with a simple question which to many is like a DUH, kind of question, everyone really wouldn't mind answering this question, in fact it gives them great pleasure, and perhaps it may not be all that rosy, this question, as i believe in gives us a sense of discontentment as we desire too much of what is under the category i would term as worldly things and an attittude i call materialism. So wat's the question?...Well, yea it's WHAT DO YOU WANT?...for me its not difficult cause i feel that i want riches and all that, but to me really money isn't what i care about in the sense that, i'm not materialistic...its that i really don't know what i want. Like i've mentioned in countless other posts including the most recent one, it really honestly isn't at all wrong to indulge ourselves sometimes in things...but most importantly what it must not be is centre of our lives, in fact i guess, it shouldn't be in any way be a crucial part of our lives, in that God is the focus of our lives and we are more than willing to give up the material things to follow wherever He calls. The thing, however, is that i wonder at times, wat about the in intangible stuff of the world, like friends, family and stuff on earth we talk about that we say money can't buy...it is also part of these worldly things that don't matter. I know that we can do things even if it seems too worldly for God, like in joyful living which i mentioned i read from the daily bread about how we can be performing an act of worship by enjoying what the Lord gives to us...But, wat i'm having trouble understanding is that, if i'm not able to have these things, would i be living life less fully , would i be able to enjoy fully what God has created and would i miss a portion of worship that i could have given to God through the things that He so richly gives. I think, i have an answer in the sense that, somehow its too self-centred to think that way, is it truly missing out on a way to worship the Lord? i don't think so probably...I think its clear that, we can worship God in so many ways, and everyone has their own way of worshipping the Lord, so just because i let's say don't have friends, doesn't mean i cannot worship the Lord, and if its because i don't get to enjoy that part of worship to God then tts not proper worship. Its well not what i want or like but what pleases God that matters. But, i guess, its nothing wrong in wanting to have these things...just that its, just that we should just be happy and content to, enjoy what God gives us and not complain if we feel someone has more than we do or a better life or whatever, coz as long as we doing the most with wat God has given us and we also use our gifts to serve God...that in itself even if just in a small way, is already living life to the fullest.

Lord, forgive that at times i'm not content and desire for worldly things too much, but for its my relationship with u that matters most Lord...help me Lord each day to love u more and to focus on u Lord....Coz Lord, u matter to me more than anything else in this world...

Anw, so right now, i finally know stuff i want just at this point i must add...that is more friends, to participate more actively in school, and get more songs for my itunes, LOL....so finally, went to go buy some CD's at a music store today....

Secondly, i wanna just say that really, my passion for life i now feel again as strongly as ever, after a period of being just so uninspired and so liveless and just facing a dry spell. Life i realise is actually truly great, if we just DON'T CARE ABOUT THE BAD THINGS...like in the movie Speed Racer, racing won't change, its how racing changes you, roughly lah...similarly, we can't change all the bad things that life has in store for us, but its how we respond to that...i refused to accept this, but now i guess, i know now, that i cared too much for the bad things happening. And, even in bad things, there no need to worry coz, God is always here and has a plan for our lives no matter what happens and one which is to prosper and not to harm us. So anw, now i see how life has so much potential and i know all i need is to try my best and i've already lived life to the fullest. I'm with life the way it is...now...

Furthermore, i've been thinking lately more about what truly defines me and what i really hope to do in my life...i mean, this topic isn't new as i've already mentioned b4. But, one thing i haven't mentioned is how many things in my life contradict who i really am. To be honest, from my primary school years and secondary school years, up till now...i didn't really do what i really felt i should be doing. Of course, i may not have done as well maybe and its just tt i feel it wasn't wat i intended for my life. I didn't know the direction i wanted to take and now, i realise what i really wanna do which i already mentioned in a post long time ago...so i was thinking about what really would define me better, is how i would have taken different paths academically and also to have develped my life outside of academics...i.e. coz i had NO LIFE, until now perhaps...Well, i guess, i feel that the route i would have taken given a choice would be academically to have taken Art Maths Phy H2 and then H1 econs....if of course i had taken to subjects needed prior to JC. If i had a choice, i would also have probably joined a sport..i.e. soccer for cca. I would love also to like play a musical instrument. U know, but i don't regret any decisions i've made, and actually, i think i have way back into what i love, in pursuing a course in Industrial Design, if i do well enough for my A levels and if its feasible, should be i guess. So yea, life no matter what, will always bring u somewhere u should and would wanna be at, even if it takes a few detours.

Finally, today, i had a good day, went out to PS with my dad to watch a movie, i.e. IronMan. Actually, there nothing difficult in inviting me along to watch a movie, coz it isn't as inconvenient as popularly thought. Testament to this is the fact that i'm keeping up in the entertainment scene OK!!!....Anw, so before i end, i've been listening to the song by The Click Five - Empty. This is now the song for my blog, it really says something i wanna say that is, that in my silence(quiet person)...there is actually so much i wanna say to everyone in the way i live my life. The most important one though, is shining for God, but also how much i care about people and how much i really want to live life to the fullest...and wanna be part of people around me....

Just wanna thank God for this awesome gift of life...coz i realise that even if i have nothing in this world, I still have something, that is God. (playing on the words said in IronMan, " you have everything yet, you have nothing")...(:


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