The Irony of Life...welcome to the real world...

After much of what i've seen and heard about the world in just 17 plus years of my life so far, i feel that it is more than enough for me to conclude that life is really ironic and in that sense too its a harsh world that we live in. People these days only care about themselves and are just so so arrogant...and if u think i'm being negative, i've got to tell that i'm just STATING FACTS. If u don't believe me, u should go ask people...especially people who've tasted life in the working world, people just wanna stab u in the back. Wait, but i'd be mistaken if i confine that to just the working world, even in school, ohh, so many "friends"...who really care for you, YEA RIGHT!!!...Oh, if u can't tell, yea, i'm being sarcastic. People are just a small portion of what i call the irony of life, because, people are so hypocritical, and u never actually know if people really care or not. But, the events in life forms the other part of why life is ironical. The most obvious is the ups and downs of life, life is good, yet its bad...but well, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD...!!!

The lyrics of coldplay's song fix you goes like this:
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home,
And ignite your bones,
And I will try to fix you,
High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
These are but some examples of the irony of life, trying our best then not succeeding, getting what u want and not what u need, you feel so tired but u can't sleep...the list goes on.
They say: Classmates, yet no one bothers when you miss class
They say: Friends, yet no ones there for you
Close friends: "i like you but i don't like you"...from Jonas Brothers - S.O.S music video.
Teachers: Study hard ah students, oh, but i don't think i'd be able to pass the exam if i took it myself
Smart person: I don't study but i do well, oh yea, i'm smart!
Mugger: I study so hard but my grades keep falling, how come ah?
Happy-go-lucky student: Responsibility, huh what is that?...such a BOMBARTIC word...gosh! Oh wait, now i rmb what it is...i'm very responsible what?...I'm a good leader who makes sure my own needs are met...
School Holidaes: Enjoy and relax, coz its the June holidays, oh but here's your homework to be done during the holidaes.
1,2,3,4,5,6, much homework ah, tts coz its holiday what...meant to take a break one...
In life,
Everything is perfect, the next thing u know, something bad happens and you lost all that you have....such is the fragility of life...
One day you are so happy, the next, you r almost in tears...
You work and u feel like relaxing and playing...and you aren't productive; then, when you play, in the back of your mind, u think u should do work have "so much fun", without feeling it.
People promise you something, and they break it because promises are made to be broken...
When faced with bad circumstances, at first it seems so bleak, then, when u get a ray of hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, u realise its an oncoming train...
On a rainyday, we wish for the sun to come out but when the sun's so hot, we wish it would rain...
People try to help you, but actually they just wanna take advantage of you...
But, a genuinely altruistic person tries to help u for real,u think he's out to cheat you and u turn down his help...
When you are in need, they don't give you help...
When you have all you need, they give to you...
When you are rich, you complain that you are bored...yet you see a poor person but he's smiling happily...
In developed nations, there is a problem of obesity, yet the people are starving in the developing nations...
We wish we had a bigger house, yet we forget that there are over 1billion people in the world who are homeless...
You can't decide what to wear, yet there are people who don't even have their own clothes...
You are bored and don't know what to do, yet there are people struggling to even live...
You aren't happy with your family, yet we forget some don't even have family...
One bites that the hands that feeds you...
We treat someone poorly and we expect others to treat us nicely...
We have freedom and at times we misuse that freedom, yet others don't even have freedom...
You can have everything and yet have nothing...or you can have nothing yet have everything...
Really, i could go on forever....listing...but i'll stop here...Ok, I must say of course, that not everyone is like that of course...these are just some of the ironies of life, some are facts, some are just possibilities, so yea...But, tts just the way life is, its never a bed of roses and everything really is so ironic...However, there is that the truth is that, it is our attitude that matters and how we look at life..we don't have to let the bad things affect us but we can even use it to spurs ourseslves. Furthermore, we should not find security in the things of the world, but TRUST THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART...thats to only way we can survive in the real world and as ironic as life can is really wonderful despite all the struggles we face...right now, i'm just hoping that i get more support in school...and that i will do well in all that i do...
I trust the Lord, and i know that everything will turn out fine...tts all that matters i guess....


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