Transformed by Trouble

The last two posts i almost posted...were about feeling lonely again after last week and the frustration that i was too negative according to sources i will not say. But, in the end i was too busy to finish any of these posts...maybe it was for a good reason...well, it was again a pretty negative post. Although, i'm starting this post talking about how i've been negative and all, i have no intention of making this post negative.

First of all, i'm really sorry for being so negative and being angry at my situation...but i feel sometimes we have to say the negative stuff...because i mean to be honest has anyone ever had a life that was a bed of roses?...NO. Yes, but i'm working hard on it. In fact, just this week i would say i took alot of hard blows...but these unhappy things and troubles i believe...have taught me alot. And, i thank God...despite all these He was with me all the way.

I've realised alot of things...

I guess...i learned more to accept my circumstances...and not let myself be dependent on the events around me.

And, i realised...that my posts seemed to give the impression that i was angry with people but actually i wasn' ya. I mean was very sad that, i feel i don't have any friends. I've realised that i can't change wat people say, do or think...i should do my thing and if indeed, its nothing i can do about then its ok but i won't be upset and just continue to be a friend. People can do wat they long as i'm doing wat's rite, i should just be happy.

But truly, i wanted to make this post to say mainly this next thing i'm going to say. Well, i really really want to have friends and to be a friend...the trouble is that sometimes it just is out of my element when it comes to socialising and making conversations...and i really need to be pulled in i'm seriously i'm not the kind who can take the initiative when it comes to making friends. But, really i long to be able to have an impact on people around me and all i want is the chance to show the true person that i am that no one knows and to really be friends.

The other thing i've learned is not to take the troubles to heart. I guess, i've always been too caught up with all the troubles and letting go of all those stuff. But, i've realised that to be happy is shouldn't bother about all my troubles...after all God is always there for everyone, myself included, so wat's there to worry...and being sad about all the unhappy things won't do any good.

Another thing is that, i realised that the only kind of happiness that i need is that which comes from God, and even friends, family, and living life to the fullest or even having all the wealth in the world cannot even match. And, it doesn't matter if i don't have any friends or watever the case...the love and joy from God is all that we need, and perhaps, having friends and other things are just bonuses.

Honestly, i've learnt a whole lot more and i want to share them all, but i can't even rmb...testament to the amount i've learnt.

But, truly...the main thing that i've learnt all comes down to one thing that clears the confusion in my other post....that God is really all that we need...and my circumstances and troubles have thought me to rely on God.

Still, theres one thing that i have to say to end...i really hope to not have to be alone, and i really wish i could have friends...

Lord, please help to be a friend, help me to be selfless, humble and without that i may build meaningful friendships...transform me and conform me to be who you made me to be and in so doing allow me to touch the lives of others and make me also not to be lonely and to know that you are always there for me Lord....thank you Lord Amen.

I've been transformed by trouble i'd say...


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