Even with the exams over i haven't been happy still....and been stuck at home...and will be for the last three days or so of holiday. i'd probably have to do some work for pw and complete the filing of my gp file...and watch tv or play computer with whatever remaining time before i have to start working hard again. At least today i have chess training which is actually quite fun but then again there is still element of tension...in terms of the training game...which is of course for me i usually don't put much pressure on myself to win but just to enjoy myself. The missing thing in my life seems to be joy(happines) and i don't seem to be making the most of my life.With all these different activities in my life and all the boredom of it all...i really wonder how all these fit into God's purpose for my life? I just realised that I've been trying to live life to the fullest and make the most out of my life and looking for happiness but this is totally wrong....GOD is the ultimate purpose and meaning for life. This kind of confuses me...so how is everything i do relevant to God's purposes for me? I really don't know....but i realise one things for sure what i am really seeking should actually be to lead a meaningful and purpose driven life for God...this i really need God's help to find out how to do....


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