Faith...Joy Despite Trouble...

Well, i thought that after a couple of posts that were starting to slide back into the older version of blogging i did before where i was well you could say negative or had complain ridden posts. So, i guess, now i'll be going back to the event-thought kinda post this time. So yea, heres about this weekend...

On Saturday, it was a pretty slack day, i had tuition in the morning and was tired i guess, cause i didn't sleep well and i had to have tuition in the morning which is isn't always the easiest thing on Saturday, somehow though it isn't tt way really for me but after some brain work during tuition that porbably was the thing that caused me to get a tired feeling with a headache. And then, i went to get a cushion for my wheelchair kinda. Went back home, then had a quick lunch with my family and went back out again with my family to send my bro for chess training, and also to go get some stuff.

Side tracking:Oh, and i forgot to mention, my sis came home on Friday and i went to go pick her up and we found that one of her friends in Australia in the same college actually lives in our same estate after seeing their family at the airport. Yea, so, i was quite happy to see my sis again and she's changed quite abit. Anw, so thats where the day continues, coz my sis was with us the whole time, and after lunch, we were going out to buy my sis a Nintendo DSLite as she wanted one and was going help a friend buy, although yea, we tried to convince her to get a PSP instead, (haha, so i could play too). So after sending my bro, we went to Funan. And, there was so much trouble just in getting the DSLite, with like i don't know some issues with authenticity. I shan't elaborate. Oh and we met like some church people there. But, anw i had ice cream there after we finally got the stuff, then we left, by then, it was 5plus, imagine the whole afternoon at Funan, seriously a waste of time lah. After that, my mum and i stayed home while the rest of my family went to my cousins house. That nite, they went to go on the S'pore Flyer, i wish i could go lah...argh, I haven't even been on it yet...!!!

Then, today, i didn't do much, only went to church then the rest of the afternoon i mainly studied. Although, i played the DSLite for like an hour today, played this cool brain test kinda game..haha. Ok, i watched abit of tv too, i think if i'm not wrong i ended up watching Run's House, its actually quite a good show on MTV, i think alot can be learned from that show about that family. The Rev's thoughts at the end's always a good learning point, makes you think about what one can learn from daily living, real cool. Anw, so yea but most of the afternoon i was at home studying. While, the rest of the family were out again, and i at home, not that greatest feeling in the world, but this is for my A levels...sigh. After studying, i went for a haircut. So yea that was how i spent my Sunday.

However, now, i'd like to share some of my thoughts which came from the sermon in church this morning. It was about Faith. I won't elaborate on the verse from the Bible, but, just how the message really spoke to me. Firstly, i like to repeat again, like i've always done that, my theme for my blog is exactly what the message is about, that in all things, all the troubles in life, that we can still have joy and be happy. Really coz, i can't emphasize this point enough that as the speaker said, we should not have any worries at all even when facing adverse circumstances, coz we have an almighty God who we can trust to see us thru anything in life, nothing is impossible with God, as Abraham was even willing to sacrfice his son, believing that God can even bring the dead alive. And on top of that, the speaker said that since we have faith in God, we will go and do what the Lord tells us to do and we will follow our Lord Jesus Christ and His call, when He speaks to us to do something. So, i realise that i can really be happy even in bad situations, which I guess, i knew but it reminded me really. It may sound contradictory, but i've really tasted b4, and i know that, actually, theres nothing for us to worry in life, for God is with us and we can trust Him. Next, i complained that my life in my other post is not complete without my dreams and friends, but i realise that truly that God alone makes us complete and we should be willing to give up all our desires to follow God, therefore, i should just trust whatever situation God puts me in, without friends maybe or even if its not being able to live my dream, it doesn't matter, i should just do my best in everything and God will lead me to the path he wants me to take, and i should just follow, for His plans for me are perfect and i should trust that, coz the path of following God, leads to greater fulfillment than anything else in the world, so i guess, i should just be happy, live life and know that my life is complete no matter what else i'm missing, cause with God in my heart, i am complete and have no need to want anything else.

Faith is being sure of what we do not i say, we should be happy no matter what, know that God's plan for us is perfect and live life fully for God coz life is complete with God alone...tts all that matters in the end...


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