The Aim in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life...

Finally, my 1st semester in NP product design is over, not that I don't like it and have been waiting for the end of the sem, but it's more like at last i have a good long break to rejuvenate myself and finally breathe abit. I mean, I've been so busy the past several months, and so there have been things I haven't been able to do in a while and I'm also very tired after such a hectic sem. I'm the kind of person who needs to time reflect and think about my life, to just keep myself on track and help me stay focussed on what is important to me and to not lose sight of my goals and aims in life. So I'm passionate about my course and stuff, and I have enjoyed it very much, but now I need the time to reflect and rest after such a hectic several months.

Right now, I have a three weeks break before I have my maths exam, and then, I have about two months of holiday. That is pretty much a really long I guess, I will be resting and doing the other stuff I missed out on because I've been busy. Also, I'd probably continue practising my drawing, coz I still need to improve a lot more if I want to do well in design. It's kinda crazy that like after being so busy for so long, we suddenly have a huge at the back of your mind something is saying, there's still this and that you need to do. Guess I need to get accustomed to it again, and tell myself I can rest for now.

On that note, there was one thing that really struck a chord with me last week. I was watching the biography channel about Carrie Underwood last week, and what she said at the end of the episode really reminded me of what I stand for and what my true aim in my life is. She said that she never expected to be in music at all but somehow God opened the doors for her and has blessed her with a career in music, and that she hopes that through her music and her life that, she will be able to convince others that there is a God out there who they need to know, then her job is done. That reminded me that in my pursuits in life, my one and only goal in all of it is to bring glory to God by pointing to His glory. Also, she has used her privilege of being a superstar to help people outside of music...

And, she was like what Randy Jackson said, made to do this, sing. Since, the age of 7 she says that she rehearsed speechs for winning awards for music. And, when she had a speech after winning the Country Music awards, she epically described how she was watching TV a few years ago and how now she is standing on the stage as a star having the best time of her life in front of people she watched at concerts. I know that if we believe that we will be great, we will, coz the difference between average people and great people is the belief that they will be/are great. Not for their own glory but for the glory of God, and when you find that calling, God is able to use you greatly. Well, I know not everyone will ultimately be great superstars but God will use us to do amazing things when we are doing what He called us to do. So, it really inspires me and makes me keep believing that one day i too can be great...

To end, with the right goal in bringing glory to God through the calling God has given us, we can be great, not for our own gain but for none other then that glory of God and the salvation of all people.


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