God's Blessing and Promise...

I know that everything we have is made possible by God alone and it is not by any merit of ours that we are blessed with what we have. And, certainly as much as the situation seem sad when I didn’t make it to the university last year, I realised and know that it was actually a blessing in disguise because if I had got into the course I wanted in university, I don’t think I would have made it, but as I did not make it, I could only go to poly and do the course, which will prepare me much better to do the course in university. And, my two years in JC weren’t wasted because it allowed me to grow spiritually and as a person. Also, the gap year gave me time to do stuff I wanted and improve myself further. But, I’m having trouble reconciling my posting to NP Product Design being a blessing and something to be congratulated for. I mean, God has blessed me by opening up the best path for me to do the course I want in poly and has blessed me with the results for my O Levels in 2006 that has allowed me to get into the course i want in poly, but I already knew I’d make it into the course I wanted in poly coz my score was good enough. I guess, even though my results were indeed good enough for the course it is still God who has made it possible. I think the reason I felt uncomfortable to be congratulated about my posting and that I was blessed in my posting was that it didn’t feel like a great thing happened since I was expecting to get in. But, I do feel blessed that I’m able to do the course I want to and doing it through the poly route at NP; and I'm grateful for it.

And, speaking of blessings, just the week before there was something I wanted to blog about but didn’t get a chance to and that is about God’s promise to bless us by prospering us and giving us success in what we do when we obey His commands. I believe that this is true in both ways, spiritually and in material terms. But, having said that, that does not mean that everything will always be rosy or we will live a life of luxury and comfort. But, as Christians we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. And, God not only transforms us into a people that possess the fruits of the spirit, He also provides for us physically. Moreover, it is according to God’s will that he blesses us and so we must trust that God has a plan, of course, we live in this fallen world and so there will be people that are not so blessed, because bad things happen, but all things work for the good of those who love Him. And, God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others, but in this world there are people who are stingy which of course, is not the way God intended it to be. For, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Also, sometimes God limits His gift-giving to us so we do not stumble and fall away from Him.

We must however be careful to understand that it is in serving and obeying God through our gratitude that He blesses us and not that we obey Him so that we prosper and have success. And true success is to obey God and to become more like Christ, and to develop our relationship with God. One may ask then why good things happen to bad people and why they seem to prosper, while sometimes bad things happen to good people. But, know this, that those who have temporary riches on earth are in reality spiritual beggars because they do not have true riches—eternal life. And, in Christ we will find truth contentment, spiritual riches and eternal joy. So also, we must bear in mind that it is the eternal blessings from God and the intangible things in life that is most important, but there is nothing wrong with the temporary things here on earth and in fact it can be an act of worship when we thank God for it, just that it should not take our focus away from what truly matters, and that is our relationship with God. Finally, in John 16:23-24, it says, 23In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. So, if it is in God’s will and we ask in faith, we will receive. Therefore, God wants to and will bless us if only we will believe and ask of Him according to His will.


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