Greater Things to Come

As we celebrate the Lunar New Year, I thought it would be appropriate for me to be positive and to reflect back on the blessings upon me up until now and to look ahead at the promise of more to come. Ok well, I did say that by God's grace my journey thus far has been beyond my wildest dreams, because He has blessed me in greater ways than I could have imagined and He fulfilled many of my dreams I didn't expect I would fulfill but this doesn't mean that my journey beyond my wildest dreams ends here and that there are no more unfulfilled dreams in my life. Things may have taken a bad turn about more than a year ago, and in some areas in my life where I've felt I have achieved my dreams, I've taken one step forward and two steps back but there's so much more good I know the Lord will do in my life.

I know that in the past I used to write about all the unhappy things in my life which many who know me perceived it as being self-centred and wallowing in self pity but honestly it was just merely my heart crying out from the true struggles in my life and why should anyone invalidate my struggles because someone else has it worst. Should I just pretend that I'm alright and talk about all the good things in my life. Sure maybe it would make it a better read and people won't be turned off by my sob story enough to make them not wanna sympathise with me. But must I really hold it all in and hope somehow people would notice my struggle and show concern? Yes, I know that being positive is important to one's well being and can attract positive things into our lives. In all fairness though while I've always lamented about how my life isn't the way I want it to be or how I wish my life was a certain way, I've always ended coming back to God and being filled with the comfort of knowing that He hears me and the hope that He will grant me the things that were missing in my life. 

Now then, I will try to share my struggles and hopes in a more positive way this time. I won't go into the details of how God has blessed me to this point as I've mentioned about it in my post entitled Journey Beyond my Wildest Dreams in which I shared about how I went from failing to get into university to achieving so much from graduation, to getting a job, to being on TV and to recording an original song. I also won't talk about how things went south a year into achieving many dreams with my breathing problems and shoulder pain, and quitting my job. What I will talk about is the things that currently are going well in my life or are steps in hopefully the right direction and I will also talk about the dreams I have going forward and things I pray the Lord will help me get through.

Currently, I am enrolled in the mdas bridge programme to improve my graphic design skills. This Chinese New Year I've had fun enjoying the festivities, from hosting, to visiting, feasting on suckling pig, yu sheng, cookies and jerky, getting hongbaos and checking out the river hongbao event with sculptures and fireworks. I've also been able to go out more and had friends antonio and fabian to go out with to watch the movie the upside. I've also been able to enjoy my free time doing stuff I couldn't when I was busy like doing personal projects, surfing net, reading books and doing bible study. My breathing has also been better. As for moving forward, I hope to get well breathing wise and have no more pain in my shoulder. I hope to get a job, make more friends, find love, travel more and achieve more goals and dreams.

To end, I'm grateful that I have some semblance of friendship in my life now which I was missing for so much of my life in the past and craved for, for so long but on the other hand in pursuing my passion of product design through a job, I am facing challenges and setbacks even though I have achieved a big part of that dream by graduating with a major in product design, and had a short stint at a company to design a robotic arm. At least right now I'm trying to take tiny steps toward working again by taking up graphic design with mdas. Finally, will I ever, find love, leave a legacy and have a happily ever after before the day I die? I don't know but surely I'm still alive for a reason, so there must be greater things to come in my life.


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