The Sunny Side Up

No, I’m not talking about the new album Sunny Side Up by singer/songwriter Paolo Nutini... (Like I’m trying to make use of his name to increase my blog’s publicity)... But, speaking of music and publicity, I’m still working on getting videos of me singing out on sites like youtube, myspace and facebook. I know like these days that practically everyone is doing that, but I don’t even know what I need to do that and like I don’t think I have the stuff I need.

Anyway, avoiding getting sidetracked, the point of this post that I have entitled The Sunny Side Up is that I’m looking in a new direction in my life as in my blog to view things from a positive standpoint. And, so appropriately the sunny side up, which refers to the bright side of things, is going to be my new theme. I know for the longest time my theme has been about the joy in spite of difficult circumstances and like about improving on all the negative stuff. It some ways it has been great coz it’s encouraging to others in difficult situations but it also made me look very, negative, almost depressing at times and it seemed like I was not unhappy and contented, always complaining...of course, it wasn’t meant to be that way but was to show a realness to life and it was my passion to pursue my ideals for life that made me look discontented when in actual fact I was just trying to be progressive and build a better future.

I do admit at times I do feel discontented and I envy, but that is only human and it’s not like I want superficially...the things I crave sometimes have been about making more with my life, coz I felt like my potential wasn’t maximised. I will still be on the journey of learning how to live life but just now I’m taking a new direction. The funny thing is that when we talk about good things always regarding life which is normally the case, we tend to question the how real that is a description of life, but for me is the other way round...I’ve been talking some much about the struggles of life, I need to now bring up the positive side of things so that my portrayal of life is as real as it gets. My last post felt too depressing for me, so here I am now with my new direction, The Sunny Side Up.

And, really I’ve been going on about all the problems and things hindering me from living the life I want. And, it was amazing that the two messages I received said this two things which is the same reason I writing this post. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open. All too often we focus so intently on solving the problems, that we forget to zoom out and celebrate what is good in our life already.

Due to my situation, certainly I do miss out on some things in life but I realise on a positive note, I am in many ways living the life of my dreams. Somehow, I’ve been looking too much at the bad things that I forget there are so many other things going for me in my life that make my life worth living, coz the good things make going through the bad times worth it. And, I realise in focussing on the good things, we are able to overcome the bad things in our lives. And, really the good things cover up for all the bad things in life. Just like a self fulfilling prophecy, when you focus on what is good, positive and great, life continues to give you more and more of these good things. It is a gratefulness that rewards us and it gives us a kind of contentment and peace to see the bright side of things coz all situations seem filled with hope and possibilities.

Also, above are two pictures related to the topic about the sunny side up, which made me put thought to the analogy about a fried egg. I realise the heat from the frying pan that cooks the egg is at the bottom of the egg which turns golden brown, whereas the sunny side up is largely unburnt. So it is like life, on one side there are the struggles and bad things and on the other side there are the good things in life. But, it is the heat below that cooks the egg and makes it ready to eat, so the struggles are what make us better people and it produces the good on the other side. Therefore, the learning point is that, instead of looking at the ugly side, we should look at the sunny side up, for the bad things on the ugly side are not important, but it is how the ugly side has produced the sunny side up which is good that is important.

To end, here’s a phrase from song we all knew all too well, “Always look on the bright side of life...” They say that it is usually sung at football matches and funerals which is kind of ironic, but believe me I mean it in a good way, to really be positive and the good in life even when good is not around.


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