Life is Nothing More Than Worship...The Best Feeling Ever...

It’s unbelievable…finally, finally, I’m feeling so great again…I’m really at an all-time high now. I know I said stuff were getting so great the other time but it didn’t last and it didn’t feel as real…this time though I’m not in any way exaggerating this feeling, I’m really back to the heights of the past two years and this may even be the greatest I’ve ever felt in my life. I don’t why but all I did was ask the Lord to fire me up again and to let me rediscover my faith and passion, and to make everything good and to let me feel as good as I once felt or even better and to feel His presence. And, true enough, I’m having one of the best feelings ever and this may even be an understatement. Just when I really needed something to make it all ok and to give me life a much needed spark, a new lease of life…God so faithfully did just that for me and I can’t tell you how awesome I feel now, I feel like I’m back to when I was most passionate about life and worshipping at my deepest level, and I just wanna thank God. It’s been a long time coming, for awhile now I’ve been struggling spiritually and just in my life as a whole, I was beginning to drift and my life was starting to be a dread, but now I’m just back to where I was at my best and I’m really where I should be at now. All of it is just so amazing and so surreal…

Don’t know where to begin but this week I’ve been “busy” studying chess openings and doing research among other things. Well, I mean I’ve so much time and nothing much to do, so I wouldn’t really say I’ve been busy. But, somehow without doing much this week, something just clicked and everything just suddenly felt so good again. All I can say is that it is what the Lord has done and I’m definitely out of my spiritually dryness and life crisis. Things couldn’t be better now…no matter what it really is. But, if I try to trace back to this past week, I must say it all began after one of the nights when I had a good sleep and woke up at 10am…(ok, I know…you’re thinking how do you get a good sleep when you wake up at 10am on a holiday?...should be until afternoon or even the whole day right?...but well, I sleep very early by the youth standard these days and so by waking up at 10am I actually get 12 hours of sleep, you can do the maths.) Anw, so I woke up from a good sleep, good mood and everything strangely moving perfectly. Then, from watching TV, playing and studying chess(not that it’s relevant) and most importantly reflections, I suddenly had my passion for life rekindled and I’m became excited realising that there are going to be some exciting times in my life this year and that I can’t wait to see God’s plan for my life this year unfold.

All of a sudden, I just really wanted to go out really live life, I mean in my head it was like, oh yea come to think of it, actually life is fun and awesome, I should just go out there and enjoy my life and do the things I wanna do and serve and worship God with all I am, make the most of everyday and be happy every single second of my life. I mean I just felt like isn’t life just great and beautiful. I rmb watching the channel 5 commercial about life based on the different shows that are in stored in this month, it says something about life being boring, and that life need not be that way but life needs…I can’t remember exactly the things mentioned…but they were on the lines of (combined with some of my own), action, adventure, romance, relaxation, fun, excitement and even moments of sadness and trouble, it’s just like life would be no fun if everything were smooth, just like a roller coaster would not be fun without sharp turns, drops and twists.

And, so I felt so much like yea life is meant to be an awesome experience, and all the joy and the pain are all part of it, but I guess, for the most part I’ve not been fully embracing life, like really doing as much as I can to make my life as interesting as possible. More because I didn’t know how to rather than that I didn’t dare to embrace life But, now it’s like I feel so ready and alive, like I’m really going to live out my faith and life in a bigger way than ever before; and just go out there and pursue my dreams, interests, goals, passions, hobbies, ambitions and live for the purposes God has for me to bring glory to His name to fullest and in a fulfilling and enjoyable way.

And, I found some information on the internet about the view of life as an adventure…

Is life an adventure or a misadventure? The question is an important one because the view we take colors everything we experience. Our attitude or perspective either works for or against us. So, now and then we need to pause and examine which way our life is heading. After all, if we don't change our direction, we will end up where we are heading.

If we believe life is a misadventure or struggle, we live with resentment, distrust, and fear. We also feel that life is unfair, painful, and a form of punishment. Yet, our view of life is a choice we make. If we don't like what we see, we can change channels just the way we do on a TV set. Are you getting tired of seeing nothing but violence and suffering? Well, then, change channels! For a delightful change, take a look at all the good that is taking place in the world.

Remember that you can always choose what you decide to focus on. When we shift our focus from the negative to the positive, we begin to see the world in a new way. This change of perspective causes us to act differently. And by acting differently, life itself becomes different for us.

The secret of life is realizing that it is a great adventure. Missing this simple point can have disastrous effects. For example, imagine you and a stranger are strapped into a roller coaster. The stranger was plucked out of a primitive society and knows nothing about modern life. At the end of the ride, how will his experience differ from yours? In his eyes, the ride was a devilish form of torture. During the entire trip he was bewildered and in fear. And you? You enjoyed every thrilling moment!

Can you see how the failure to understand the nature of a roller coaster prevented the primitive native from enjoying the ride? It is no different with life. Those who have yet to learn that life is an adventure mistakenly believe they are victims of circumstances, condemned to a life of suffering.

Yet, once we understand the nature of life, everything changes. Can a roller coaster ride be exciting without steep falls and sharp twists and turns?

Neither can life be exhilarating unless there are challenges to face, hurdles to surmount, and problems to solve. Adventurers understand that, so they don't fight and struggle with events, but choose to go with the flow.True, the flow may be as turbulent as white-water rafting, but isn't that part of the adventure?

Life invites us to become adventurers. It invites us to stop whining and start shining, to stop being a victim and start being a victor. It invites us to journey on a quest to discover, uncover, and recover our potential. It invites us to become the hero in our life story by living courageously. It invites us to lead potent lives in which we make a difference by contributing and adding to life.

Life is not a war to wage, but a gift to cherish. We will realize this as soon as we change our focus from what we lack to what we have. Our feeling of gratitude and sense of appreciation releases energy, which will then help us to continue tirelessly in our adventure.

Adventurers don't repress or hide their emotions. Like rainbows, they burst into color as they feel and express a full range of feelings. Fear, anger, disgust, joy, pity, loneliness, surprise, elation, enthusiasm, passion, embarrassment, pain, sorrow, happiness, awe, calmness, and confusion are just a few of the emotions they experience. Unlike the numbness of the living dead, adventurers are alive with vibrant feelings. They feel life, soak it in, sense it, taste it, and fully express it.

Another characteristic of adventurers is their willingness to embrace change and uncertainty. And why shouldn't they? For change and uncertainty are just other words for surprise. No wonder adventurers believe life is a celebration; after all, they spend their entire lives in a surprise party. They love dueling with the unexpected because it keeps them on their toes. Our lives don't have to be boring, they can be as exciting as that of any swashbuckler. All we have to do is accept life's offer; it's asking us to jump in and join in the fun. "The Big Question is," according to Joseph Campbell (1904-1987), "whether you are going to be able to say a hearty YES to your adventure."

If we're just neophyte wayfarers wanting to become heroic adventurers, how do we get from where we are to where we want to be? The best way to begin is with an inspiring dream. Pick a dream that is worthy of a hero. For as Renaissance man Robert Fritz wrote, "If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise." When we live life as an adventure, our destination isn't as important as the transformation we undergo, so don't worry about whether you become entirely successful or not.

Another thing you can do is open your eyes and see. See what? See what Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) spoke about, "We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." Every crossroad we come to is a choice between following the path of adventure or the road to misery. Which will it be? As long as we awaken from our slumber, and look for the right path, we will find it. When we open our hearts, minds, and eyes to what the world offers, we allow it to flood us with riches, so remain alert.

Also, to sustain our adventure, we need to make the right choices. For when we don't choose to befriend others, we choose to be lonely. When we don't choose to open our hearts to others, we choose to get nothing in return and turn our backs on opportunity. When we don't choose to elevate our thoughts, we contaminate our minds with stinking thinking. And if we don't choose to live in the present, we relinquish the only moment we are alive and have power.

You can add a great deal of pleasure to the adventure of life with some humor. For example, the renowned Radio Comic Fred A. Allen (1894-1957) had this to say, "Life, in my estimation, is a biological misadventure that we terminate on the shoulders of six strange men whose only objective is to make a hole in one with you." Despite the value of humor, I'll end on a serious note by quoting from the wisdom of Helen Keller (1880-1968), "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable."

Christians should never be able to say that they live a boring life

it’s hard for me to have grace or sympathy for Christians who claim that they have a boring life. i believe if we really get what it means to live out the story of the redeeming love of Jesus…we would never have the excuse…’my life is boring’. if we truly live day to day putting others before ourselves…we have no room for a boring life. if we truly love our neighbor as ourself…our life will never be stagnant or dead. if we truly live out, ‘the need is the call’, every single day of our life will be filled with an adventure & meaning.

As believers we are to have a heart for the least of these…the broken…the oppressed…the untouchables…the forgotten. if we truly have a heart for the people of this broken world…we can never say that we are bored or live a boring life.

How can we even begin to claim that we’re bored or stuck in life? there is too much to be done here on this earth for us, as believers, to be complaining about being bored or hating where we are in life. it’s time for people to start meeting the needs of the people around them. it’s time for us to live a life dedicated to serving others & not ourselves. it’s time for us to live in love.
we should never be able to say that we live a boring life. if we are…we’re missing the point. if we are…we’re missing the opportunity to love & serve. If we are…we’re missing the story.

This is what life should be…

Every day in your new adventure is fun, exciting, and inspiring...even "magical"

You know in your heart and soul you're fulfilling your life purpose, doing exactly what you were meant to do

You have a clear, compelling vision that inspires action each and every day towards your dreams
You have the right strategies (ones that work for YOU) and a step-by-step roadmap to create the life you've always wanted

You feel supported by people who help you reach your dreams and play key roles in your adventure

Instead of feeling unfulfilled, you love what you do every day in an adventure that leverages your best skills, talents, and previously untapped potential

You enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are making a significant impact in the world around you

You've eliminated roadblocks that held you back and kept you from turning your dreams into reality

You clearly see the potential for your adventure and know exactly what steps to take to reach your goals quickly and easily

Basically, in the past, I’ve been playing it far too safe, and I wasn’t fully able to live life in as fun and fulfilling a way as it should be…not that I haven’t understood the purpose of my life but it that I haven’t made enough effort and take the courage to do the things I wanna do and to not just take opportunities but make opportunities too, just that I haven’t been adventurous enough to get involve in life’s purposes as I should have and also I haven’t been able to make friends. But, recently about last December thru study of Christian books and more reflections, I finally understood it all that I needed to know about life and friendships, and I’ve REALLY CHANGED A LOT since then, like now I have a whole new attitude to loneliness and friendship that will allow me to I’m sure make new friends from now on, even if some of my old ones may be hard to revive, and not that I never wanted to open myself up to people but just that I didn’t know how to, but now I’m hoping to do better. And, I have a whole new outlook of life that will allow me to embrace life and to do all the things I want to do in my life before I die and to accomplish what God wants me to in my life.

Right now, it’s just like gotten even better, now that my passion has been refueled and I just feel such a great desire in my heart again to do the things I wanna do, like watching TV the other day I started thinking about all my passions and interests, and I felt filled with excitement to live life. The potential of life is so clear to me again and I realize how fun life would be if I could do the things I wanna, it’s like now I have a view in to the exciting life I wanna live in Christ, to experience life and serve with my life, and so I really hope now to in my life be able to do all the things that would be on my list of things to do before I die in between the practicalities of life, which are all part of the enjoyment of life and also to make contributions that would leave a legacy of love. That’s how great I’m feeling now about passionately living life right now.

And, since we are at the topic of life again…I just wanna make a note about another insight I just got on life and also make something clear. In a lot of secular articles about life, life is put as an adventure which they say assumes the goal of life is to enjoy life, but I’m in NO WAY SAYING THAT. THE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO POINT TO GOD’S GLORY. But, yes, life should be a fun adventure, in fact the life lived according to God’s purposes is the most adventurous life, in this case I’m just talking about courageously living out the adventure of a life lived for Christ which is fun and meaningful. So now, a issue that has always been on my mind about life is that since the purpose of life is to live for God’s glory, and under worship which is one of the purposes of our life, it suggests that when we do everything as doing it for the Lord it is worship and brings glory to God, so I always wonder about experiencing life and enjoying life, they say it can be a form of worship when we thank God for it, but yet pleasure is meaningless as said in Ecclesiastes, the issue however is not that but by enjoying life more and thanking God mean that you have lived a better life. I think the first thing is that no because we are not measured by that, but by our faith and how well we have loved. And, our goal in life is to bring glory to God, not live for pleasures. But, enjoying life does not have to mean pleasure alone but if we love God, enjoying life is living for God, but of course I believe that God also wants us to enjoy life in the sense of experiencing life using our five senses. I guess, the only thing is that we must focus on God alone and be willing to give up everything if God calls us to. So, if you ask yourself would you give up all your things for God and the answer is yes, you are on the right track. Ok now then, my passion for life led me at first to want to experience life but I realized that life is more than that and my passion goes farther than that, coz experiencing life is only part of what God intended for life.

And, actually as I think about it now, LIFE IS NOTHING MORE THAN WORSHIP TO GOD…coz worship is doing everything for God’s glory, and God’s glory is the ultimate purpose for our lives. I mean think about it, in Heaven what would we do everyday, nothing but worship the Lord, is our purpose of life so much more different? …NO. So what is this about enjoying life? I think that life is about living for God’s glory for He is worthy of all glory, and is like something we do out of love for God first loved us and we lived each day as a gift from God, as gratitude for this life He has redeemed with the blood of Jesus Christ. And, so as a human on this earth, we were created to enjoy this life and to serve also, all this for God’s glory.

But, I guess, it really doesn’t matter how much we do, but that we try to do our best to do whatever we do for God’s glory to the best of our abilities. And, we should rmb that only by God’s grace do we even have the strength to do anything so no one can boast but in Christ. As for life, it is impossible for us to do everything there is to do, but God who loves variety, will according to His Will allow each and every one of us to experience in a way unique that is the best for us and that allows us to live life fully, and it is such that we cannot compare, because our shape is different, we have different passions and interest, so our life lived to the fullest is subjective to every one, which means in our own way we will all live life to the fullest if we follow God’s Will for our lives. And, all this should be done because we want to bring glory to God’s name.

Enough said, you’d be surprised, but now I feel so good that I’m not even bored with my holiday anymore, though I’m literally stuck at home everyday now. And, amazing enough, when it seemed like my opportunities to do fun stuff in the holiday have been diminished, God so amazing gives me things to do even if I’m stuck at home. Now, like I’ve been doing lots of stuff at home, and like I mean even being able to read this months edition of Discovery Magazine is enough to make me happy and be occupied with stuff on top of the stuff I’ve been doing like chess and what not. It’s totally amazing how after a long period of feeling like the worst ever, God just suddenly makes me feel way better and give me a new burst of energy and give me a new perspective of life that makes everything feels so good, I’m even enjoying doing nothing coz I know when uni starts I’ll be busy all over again. I’m just relaxing man…I just wanna thank God again for all this. And, I just pray that I will be able to really be courageous enough this year to live the full adventure of life this year taking opportunities and making opportunities to live life. All I need is to truly ask God for His power to live above the ordinary.

I’m just so HAPPY, INSPIRED, PUMPED UP, CHARGED AND EXCITED again. I’ve really run out of words to describe how amazingly happy and great I feel now. In all ways my life feels good now. Spiritually I’m definitely good again and my faith is really really back and I really just feel God’s presence. And, not like I’m feeling so good spiritually because I feel His presence, whether or not I feel Him, now I’m like in such high spirits and my faith is stronger that I now He is real and is there with me always and I’m content truly. I can say that this is probably one of THE BEST FEELINGS I EVER FELT…last time I said I had such a feeling and was at all-time high, I still wasn’t 100% and stuff were still nagging me, but this time I can tell you it’s way better. It’s like everything is just so perfect in an imperfect way. And, about my mistakes and everything, I’ve put everything behind me and truly I believe in God and He is my Lord and Saviour. And I wanna be faithful to Him, suddenly I just have this overwhelming desire to live a life that is pleasing to God and like I absolutely feel to no more attraction to the things of this world. I just want only good and positive things to describe my Christian life. And, with my renewed faith I just want good works to be manifested in my life and to truly live out my faith everyday. And, about life and love…I just know that I don’t have to go search for anything anymore, for I know God in His Time will allow my life to unfold in an amazing way and that the right people will come along for my to share love and life with. And, on a more immediate note, I’m sure I will see something great that God will do in giving me the right results for my A Levels. I’m excited about it to see where the Lord will lead me.

Finally, the other day I was reading another friends blog…something about feeling blessed and not minding to die even now. I honestly, can’t say that I’m very blessed, but of course, I will say that where I’m at I’m somewhat blessed by God and just being in the family of Christ is a blessing in itself. But, there are a lot of things in my life that are in some sense unfortunate, still I’ve yet to see what the Lord will do for me in future and I trust that He will continue to bless me in a way that will be greater than I’ve ever have been. I mean, I have learnt to look at what I already have and I can say I’m blessed in some sense. The thing is that right now there are things that I don’t have that I so desire, in terms of intangible things like friends, experiences in life and reaching my dreams. But, as in Jacob in the Bible he would not let go of the angel until the angel would bless Him. It is said that most people miss God’s best for their lives because they give up. So, whatever it is I’m going to ask God to bless me, coz when I think about it, perhaps I haven’t really ask God with all my heart to bless me and to never give up on God’s promises. So, I guess, I’m definitely not ready to die yet, for God still has a plan for my life to bring glory to His name, so as much as I can I wanna be on this earth to share the good news of Christ and help others and enjoy this gift of life that God has given to me.

To end, about the long post, in the spirit of the song Say, truly, I think it is better to say too much than never say what you need to say, so hope that is a valid excuse for this long post…lol. Anw, on a serious note…LIFE IS TRULY GREAT and I’m JUST FEELING THE BEST FEELING EVER NOW…


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