The Greater Work yet to be done in My Life...

It was an awesome week last week, everything was mostly just great. Sure, it is not like everything is perfect, but I must say last week made me quite happy. I went out quite a number of times during the week and did all the things I wanted to do and had to do. There wasn’t really a dull moment about last week at all. And, everything is just going quite well for me now. I feel that I’m getting even closer to my ideal scenario for life right now, like the whole living life to the fullest thing and the purpose driven life so to speak coz I doing much more of the stuff that I want in my life. Also, spiritually I feel that I’m definitely in a good place again at the moment. So yea all is good and it is amazing the way the Lord is working in my life at this point.

Well, my week kicked off with a typical Monday doing all the stuff I do at home, mostly on the computer that is. Then, on Tuesday afternoon, I went with my dad and sis to OC. While on Wednesday we went to Ion. Next, we took a break on Thursday and stayed home. And, of course, the best thing, the public holiday on Friday. My parents, grandmother, my sis and I went out to Orchard and shopped from Taka to Ion. As for the weekend, well, I went out with my parents and sis to Centre Point, basically I spent most of that time sitting around waiting for my mum and sis. And, finally, after going to Church, the whole family went to the city for a birthday lunch for my grandmother’s birthday yea. So that was how I spend my week. And, regarding the success of the shopping trip for me, I finally got my Fifa 10 game, some new music CDs, sneakers and a watch which is actually going to be my Christmas present from my mum.

Now then, last week I realise some really amazing things and had some thoughts and inspirations, so I hope to share that for the rest and main part of my blog post for last week...

To begin with, having completed my blog post for the week before on Monday last week about faith in Jesus Christ and my thoughts about it which spilled over into last week, I realised that there was something happening in my life with like how everything seemed to be coming together in a way that all made sense and were all relevant to my situation. It started first with this paragraph that I came across:

“Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!”

Really after going through that period of soul searching, I felt like my faith was and is getting stronger again, and this was like a great encouragement to me that it is in the times of not knowing and uncertainty that faith is exercised. And, this brought about a revitalisation spiritually for me last week as began to feel the passion for God’s name and the power faith and feeling of God’s presence here with me. The most amazing thing about was that I have prayed for sometime after having gone thru some months feeling spiritually at a low that God would rekindle the spiritual fire in me and the Lord has worked in an amazing way to help me with that through the circumstances, to get me out of that and to grow spiritually like now, in the way He has worked and is working in my life, I feel my faith, love, peace, joy and passion have increased and spiritually I’m at a much better place again almost like last time out and I just really feel good spiritually. So yea, all the things that have happened to me all now seem to make sense as God is seemingly using all of it to achieve in me the change and new found passion and understanding I need in my life now. It was also amazing that just as in my last post I was talking about how I felt uncertain about my belief, but I focus on the truth and not my feelings that, truly I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour; it was just like the words in the book by Rick Warren about God’s answers to life’s difficult questions, the sentence somewhere in the chapter on depression which I read to my mum, about how we can sometimes not feel Christian but are Christians, which really spoke to me because it was so related to last week’s post about faith in Jesus. And, one other connection that I discovered was really how in the learning of acts in Youth about how the apostles spread the message of Jesus Christ is so related to last week’s post about faith in Jesus too; since the apostles tried to share about the resurrection of Jesus Christ through the signs and miracles, and how many believed and some didn’t. Lastly, I also found one other reason we can know that truly Jesus is our God and that is... Guilt, which is God’s way of telling us we have done wrong, and it, leads us to realise that we need someone to pay our sins and that is Jesus Christ coz all have sin and fallen short, therefore Jesus Christ the only one who died for us is our God who paid the price.

And, now looking at all that is going on in my life right now in perspective and overall, I really feel somehow that God is working in my life through the circumstances and through His speaking to me and all the struggles and ups and downs spiritually, that all that is part of the greater work that God has yet accomplish in my life. It’s just coz every time I go through some difficult moments and come out of it, I always feel like I learning, growing and becoming a better person, and I feel the passion within me come back with greater or just as much fire as in the best of times. And, things are really falling in place in my life, like I’m doing the things in life I enjoy and I’m doing everything I do for God’s glory in a worshipful way. I really feel I’m enjoying this gift of life. And, my relationship with God has grown in many ways, and I continue to maintain that connection with God through prayer, reading the Bible, Sunday school and worship. And, yes on my road of sanctification and being a better person, and becoming more like Christ, I’m certainly trying my best to learn and improve, and there has been progress. As for fellowship, I’m being more open to others and making friends, but still have to wait till I meet more people through school again to see if I’ve become sociable enough and can develop closer bonds with friends and also fellow believers in Christ although I probably can do more of that in Church. And, in terms of evangelism, I’ve be working on it with a friend so far and perhaps I could see where else I could do so. For mission and work wise, I’m going to start my course in product design next year my passion and my work which god created me to do in serving Him. But, I could probably do more by way of serving in some way in Church which I haven’t done so yet so far. So basically that is sort of like my progress report of life at this moment in time.

However, there was a point last week where I felt this way that: I thought I knew and figured out what I want in life but perhaps I don’t yet really know what I want in life. Back again to the topic of Christian living and living for God’s glory. But, that was because I felt like I’m not really doing all the things I want to do and I’m doing some things I don’t want to. So, I really made it a point during the week to really remind myself of my goal in life that is God’s glory and to really start being the person I want to be and doing all the things I want to do and not just feel like I’m aimlessly living my life. And, that is how last week I managed to reach a point where I felt good like I’m really filling my life with a lot more things that I feel are me and are what I want and like. And, things were going very much smoothly. Yea and it’s just that right now I feel I’m really living my life to the fullest, pursuing my dreams and doing all the things I want to do in my life. Like, I’ve got singing lessons, chess, the prospects of doing design in poly next year and I got some of the things I want in material terms too. Just so many things I’ve got going on in my life and things to look forward to and things I’m getting, doing and things I want and am working towards. And, I’m probably going to start going swimming again just as I went by the pool one of the days last week during the fine weather when I went out for a walk. Also, I’m going to really get started with setting up my online store seriously this time and perhaps learn more about web design. You get the point just really busy in my life now in a good way in that I’m really living life to the fullest in my books at the moment with like all the things I feel I need in life to be truly living life, a full life in Christ.

As for the other miscellaneous things, last week when my sis did some online transaction thing in buying from an online store, there was talk about a lot of financial and administrative work involved in life I guess. And, I didn’t understand a lot of it, which made me realise how I am still immature in the sense of the fact that I don’t yet know the many things that as an adult we need to know especially about money and all the necessary documents and administrative stuff, so I realise I have lots more to learn about life and adulthood. But, I guess it’s because since young till now my parents did pretty much all of these things and we were not really involved in these things or learning about handling these things, so I don’t know these things. So I guess, my realisation of that is really the start of my move towards adulthood and since I’m really sort of at my age moving from teenager to young adult.

Also, last week I was wondering again about my chess at this point. I’m really not sure if I really have a passion for chess. But, I did figure something from my chess lesson with my coach, I learned more about myself; how I like to be creative and invent in chess which made me realise yes industrial design is really what I like to do. Anyway the trouble is that actually chess has a lot of theory but there is still at least some room for creativity and tactics, i.e. over the board stuff. And my coach was telling me that I need to have more understanding rather than memory, which reminds very much of the mistake I made in my education in terms of maths and stuff, I more often than not tried to memorise everything instead of truly understanding what I was learning. Also, there are situations where we need to think and calculate in chess to know in which situations we should react in a certain way and when opponent can use certain tactics. But many a times I don’t put in enough effort into calculating things just like again in my studies where I relied too heavily on memorising rather than understanding.

To end, I’m just feeling great coz I’m not only getting but also doing all the things that I want in my life right now. It’s just great coz I’m finally making my own decisions about my life and doing what I want. I just never felt so free in my life to live my life limitlessly and pursue my perfect life. And, it is amazing the way that the Lord seems to be working in my life through all the circumstances to bring me back to Him and fire me up with a passion once again for worshipping God and living for His glory. Truly I can say with great conviction that the Lord is working towards a greater work yet to be done in my life...


Anonymous said…
Gods mill grinds slow but sure........................................

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