PASSION AC...!!!...

Yesterday nite, i had an awesome, amazing and wonderful experience at PASSION AC at the school hall of course. The theme was about denying one's self, taking up the cross and following the Lord Jesus Christ. This is part of the verse in the Bible in Matthew 16:24, and this verse is so meaningful, beautiful and says so much how about the important issue of what it means to follow and live for Christ. It was so great that by God's grace and for a reason I was present at PASSION AC. As was mentioned, we were all gathered in ACJC school hall as a result of God's plan and God meant for each and everyone of us to be present for a reason and also to touch the lives of everyone present. I must honestly with all my heart say that you could really really feel God's presence in the school hall and God definitely spoke to everyone, and there was a really joy and passion for God alone and suddenly you could almost wonder why we strive so hard for the things in this world. All troubles and worries seem to fade, everything seemed so small in the presence of the Lord last nite. Being there, you would feel like you just wanted it to be like this forever and could worship and praise the Lord forever and there would be nothing else you wanna do but glorify the Lord. I would say it is impossible not to know that the Lord is aTRUE and is a LIVING God, you got to believe in God for He is real and did so much for us and that is the whole reason and purpose in our existence, it is for God. Following God you will find is the most rewarding an comforting thing ever, it is what really makes living worthwhile, of course as mentioned through the sharing last nite, following God is never easy and we will face trials and troubles as Christians, but our hope is in the Lord for His plans for us are perfect. Thus, i've also got to say that for those who had the chance to attend but didn't attend PASSION AC, you've missed out on something so magnificent and so powerful and just really great. But, one thing is that, it is never too late, firstly you could always attend the one on the following year and also but more importantly you don't have to be there or anywhere really to experience the omnipresence of God, thats so overwhelming and to follow Him, does not take much, all it takes is one prayer and a lifetime of following Christ, it may not be the easiet life, and people try to tell you otherwise, like its not cool and all those lies, but its the most important thing and most fulfilling thing to do with your life, in fact its just the only thing we really can and should do, for God is NOT imaginary, but is A FACT, A REALITY. I mean God's love is just so amazing, that in all He's truth makes it such that we cannot but BELIEVE HIM, FOLLOW HIM AND GIVE OUR ALL TO HIM...!!!

So i thought i put a prayer of salvation here, yea and i know that and it is that saying this prayer is not the way of slavation but this is the prayer to express ones faith in God which is the way of salvation. So yea heres the prayer to accept the Lord Jesus Christ. "God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!"

Anw, so the service began at around, 6:45 if i rmb correctly, i had already made my way to a seat. Then, i spoke with two members of the Christian Fellowship and sort of made some friends. And, yea i saw lots of people present, inclding other ACJC students like me, CF people, students from other ACS schools some of whom i knew b4 in my time in ACSI there were teachers and finally, Alumni...and many more yea. Then, just b4 it started, there was a short welcome from the principal. Then, unexpectedly, i two other people were approaching me and was so glad to at least see some familiar faces in a crowd of people i didn't really know, so anw yea, met sophil and amanda and they sat next to my maid and I..was a pleasant surprise i guess. Thereafter of course, the worship had began, and we sang a whole range of lovely songs of praise. Then, we had prayers, sharing by one of our school teachers and the CF president. Next. of course was the sermon about denying ourselves, taking up the cross and following our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we had more songs and a prayer to proclaim our following of Christ. That was a short summary of events at PASSION AC, oh and btw i left when the serivce was officially ended but it went on later into the nite as the band continued to play for everyone who continued to worship unofficially, coz as you know we can worship anytime and anywhere and in many ways, Amen. Of course, by that time te speaker had already left. But, anw i must say the event was really awesome, the speaker delieverd an amazing sermon, and i must say i enjoyed worshipping the Lord, the Lord also really spoke to me, you could feel His presence and He really touched as He did for everyone. It was really perfect, i'd definitely be back again even after i've graduated man. And, i'm just so glad that God has given me the chance to go for both PASSION AC's in 2007 and 2008. If not for God, i wouldn't be in ACJC and i wouldn't have ever gone for PASSION AC, so i'm really grateful for that.

And, again even though i knew what it really means to live life to the fullest, i seemed to have lost my way a little bit, in that recently i questioned again what it means to really live life to the fullest. As in my last post, i seemed a bit unsure. But, God is so amazing and again this is another example of God's hand working in my life, in that just as i had doubts about life again, God made a way for me to be at PASSION AC which has taught me and made me realise and remind me that a LIFE LIVED TO THE FULLEST, IS A LIFE LIVED FOR GOD, and its as simple as that, although of course in our walk with God we will face difficulties but thats part of following God, and ultimately this is meaningful and is joyful living. I realise that even if i don't have close friends, even if family is in the way, even if i have to give up my dream job or am unable to enjoy the things i enjoy the most and even when everything is seemingly bad and hopeless or i can't accomplish all i want in my life and have all the great experiences of life, IT ALL DOES NOT MATTER ONE SINGLE BIT, COZ LIFE IS LIVING FOR GOD AND HIS PLAN FOR OUR LIVES IS THE BEST THING EVER AND IS PERFECT.

This what living life is all about as i've taken this information from, which answers all the question about Christianity. The next three paragraphs in italics are from this website.

Real meaning both now and in eternity is found in one's restoring the relationship with God that was lost at the time of Adam and Eve's fall into sin. Today, that relationship with God is only possible through His Son, Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; John 14:6; John 1:12). Eternal life is gained when one repents of his/her sin (no longer wants to continue in it but wants Christ to change them and make them a new person) and starts relying on Jesus Christ as Savior (see the question “What is the plan of salvation?” for more information on this most important issue).Now, real meaning in life is not found merely in finding Jesus as Savior (as wonderful as that is). Rather, real meaning in life is found when one begins to follow Christ as His disciple, learning of Him, spending time with Him in His Word, the Bible, communing with Him in prayer, and in walking with Him in obedience to His commands. If you are an unbeliever (or perhaps a new Believer) you are likely saying to yourself, "That doesn't sound very exciting or fulfilling to me!" But please read on just a little longer. Jesus made the following statements:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10b). “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:24-25). “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

What all of these verses are saying is that we have a choice. We can continue to seek to guide our own lives (with the result of living an empty life) or we can choose to pursue God and His will for our lives with a whole heart (which will result in having a life lived to the full, having the desires of your heart met, and finding contentment and satisfaction). This is so because our Creator loves us and desires the best for us (not necessarily the easiest life, but the most fulfilling).

The verse above in the middle paragraph is the verse for the PASSION AC theme, and the speaker spoke about what it means to deny one's self, take up the cross and follow God, which leads to the ultimate result of GLORY. So basically, it means to be willing to give up everything to live for God even giving up what matters alot to us in this world, and to follow Christ means to live for Him. So that was the touching message...the paragraphs above explain much of what the message was about...

Thus to end, PASSION AC WAS SUPER NICE, and to live life to the fullest is to live for God and follow Him, for He is REAL and loves us so much. So to follow God it begins with just having faith and believing that God exists and saying the prayer as i've written above and then really living is to live for God in everything we do.

What an amazing God, i just thank you and praise you oh Lord, I give all my life to you Lord...!!!


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