Salt and Light of the World

The message of the speaker yesterday at Church was impactful, at least in my opinion. It was entitled "IF WE COULD GO TO 'THAT PLACE' FOR FIVE MINUTE". Well, the phrase in the title 'that place' refers to hell. He spoke about how he felt we would be affected or shld i say what the impact of that visit would have on us. This he said is not out of malice or of any bad intention but out of concern...that he thinks the visit to 'that place' will actually be beneficial. The most important thing i felt was the point he made about how we would want to save ppl if we had such a visit...b'cos that place is horrible. He also explained about why people refuse to believe in Christ...many a times it's coz ppl don't accept that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...there were many other reasons that he mentioned, but the reason he he focused on had something to do with christians, i can't exactly rmb the whole point about this. The important thing is that YES, we need to be the SALT and LIGHT to the world...and through the way we live our lives bring ppl to Christ...(way more effective then speech.) To let ppl see the difference, so we need to be the salt of the world. This made me realise that, if through our lives ppl can experience and see God then they will believe, and that things that we do like going to church, reading the bible and praying increases our strengthening our faith.

However, what really left a LASTING IMPRESSION was an analogy that the speaker used. Well, he said that probably he mentioned it b4 but still this was what left an impression on me. We have all heard this umpteen times that YOU CAN BRING THE COW or for that matter a Horse TO THE WATER BUT U CAN'T GET IT TO DRINK, BUT here's the TWIST...he says in fact WE CAN GET the COW TO DRINK. But how?...he goes on to explain that IF ONE STUFFS SALT IN THE COW'S MOUTH...HE WILL DRINK THE WATER, in fact u wouldn't be able to stop it from drinking. So WE ARE THE SALT...the ppl of GOD...we can bring others to Christ by the way we live. By the way we live, they will see the TRUTH.

When i first started my blog, i did it for many reasons. To record my daily happenings, have a way which i can express my opinions, to let ppl know how i feel and show my life. However, the most important reason for me to set up my blog was in the hope that through MY LIFE i could show how GOD has worked in my life and hopefully my life would shine for GOD. I also hoped that thru the messages such as this i.e. the sermons and things i've learned, it would in someway help lead someone to the TRUTH. Some of the stuff i've posted on my blog such as the CREATION thing and this are examples of it. So i hope all these can do just that. Yea......


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