My Holiday...

Though i've mentioned about the reflections that the holidaes have brought about within me, i've failed to blog about my holidaes in terms of what i've been doing, so that's wat i plan to do with this blog entry.

Well to be honest, my holidae's been far from spectacular. However, b4 u think that i'm complaining abt the holidaes and/or being negative and never happy as usual...which is of course now a thing of the past, i actually think although holidae has been pretty GOOD...yes, seriously. I never really went out that much this holidae, but the times i went out, though brief where fun. So far, i watched two movies at the cinemas with dad...enchanted and bee movie. Other things i've done this holidae include, watching rented DVDs, 2 and a half to be exact. I've also been playing fifa08 and watching tv. Occasionally, i've also surfed the net. All these don't sound that great and in fact boring, but somehow it's been pretty good. In these three weeks i've also completed most of my chem hw, though not finished yet. I've completed the Right Word assignments for GP and i've been following the econs e-learning thing closely...yea and the intensive one. I've also been having tuition and stuff. Furthermore, i've grown spiritually i guess...i've spent more time reading the bible and finding out about stuff in the bible i never really understood.

There are some things which i'd still like to do this holidae, that i haven't got the chance to. The stuff include going out with friends which apparently seems unlikely. Others include, i don't know going out more as a family, coz right now half the family is in Turkey. Just having more fun i guess.

Nonetheless, i think my life's starting to head in the right direction and my holidae has been not bad. In fact, suddenly this week, i don't know if its coz i'm happier but i seem to be having more fun..u know, not worrying about anything, able to really laugh and overall i think a optimistic...or shall i say a positive outlook.

There really so much potential for life right now it seems...and it seems i've made progress in many areas of my life. Hope my holidae will just keep getting will i'm sure.


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