The Art of Waiting

How time flies it's the new year again...the last time I blogged was around new year last year. I guess only the end of the year can get me reflective enough to blog.

Anyway, as the year draws to a close and I spend the holidays with family, I always try to plan everything out so we have a good time but they never actually work out the way I hope. So recently someone told me that I should take a step back and let things flow naturally, and wait for when the opportunity to do something arises...and that sometimes trying too hard to do something will actually backfire. Good things they say come to those who wait. But, well I realized that there's a further part to that saying, it says:

"Good things come to those who wait but the best things come to those who do".

I've always felt the need to do something to get what I want from life, and I always feel like my life is not the way I want because I'm not doing enough of something. How could I just wait, what if it never comes if I don't do something? I guess at same time you could say what if I was wasting my time trying to do something when I just needed to wait for it? I'm just so confused, so do I wait or do I act?

I guess in the bible there is a suggestion that when we wait on the Lord it is never passive so its ok to wait coz there is something we are doing, its just perhaps not to take things into our hands too much or force things or just maybe the timing. I just pray that God will help me know when to wait and when to act.


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