Light Up...

I don't know why, but nowadays inspiration comes few and far between for me...for some reason, for several days already after about the first week of my holidays, I just didn't feel like doing anything and I felt apathetic to everything, probably a mixture of starting to be bored and feeling tired. After spending days doing some music recording, watching lots of TV and playing computer, nothing seemed appealing to me anymore. And, the only time I've gone out this holiday other than church or chess is to go to Ikea coz we're like renovating my room.

Anyway, it's like my passion for the things I love seemed to fade, and I start to let my mind wander, like why I'm doing what I'm doing even. But, I think the biggest contributing factor to this problem, is that sometimes, I allow the not so good things in my life, like the burdens, frustrations, guilt, mistakes and problems in my life to affect me. And, that is why my thought life kind of revolves around overcoming the struggles and issues of life and the purpose of life, coz everything I do in my life gets sifted through my value system and the purpose of it all.

It's like there are some many troubles on your mind that you can't appreciate and enjoy life, be it in the greatest joys to the simple joys in life. The only way to be truly joyful and happy, to enjoy life is to let go of these not so good things. It is easier said than done, especially because sometimes problems in life really affect you. The key to overcoming this issue is to just trust in God, that He is in control, that He has paid the ultimate price for our sins and that He gives us the power to overcome these problems.

About keeping in mind the purpose of life, just this week I was watching a show about video game addiction. I think a lot of times people get lost and lose track of their purpose in life, when they spend too much time on games that it takes over their lives. But, I realise that if we look at it from the perspective of doing it as a small hobby or as a professional is actually like way fine, although the thin line between addiction and just playing for fun, is when it becomes difficult to stop and affect ones day to day responsibilities. So that's why I feel it's important to me to always keep in mind the purpose of life to glorify God, well in my case, sometimes I feel like I get too focussed on certain things that I lose track of the purpose, therefore it is important to me.

And, as for why I can't just completely ignore how I feel and therefore not be affected by troubles...I fully understand that we can't and should not rely too much on our feelings that we lose track what is in front of you in reality. However, I feel that being in touch with your emotions, expresses one's heart and it really matters to me that I care about other peoples' feelings which is sometimes lost, when we look at things from a factual way. And, personally, I cherish being able to do things genuinely and from the heart. So, it's just that I want to do what I feel I really want to do and to be able to be truly feel like everything in my life feels right, so I can truly enjoy it, which is so often difficult with the troubles that life can bring sometimes. It's always like kind of up and down, not that it really bothers me but I mean we don't always feel the same all the time. I just want to not let any troubles hinder me from truly appreciating this life I have and this beautiful world we are living in. I mean, it's hard to be truly happy if you don't feel it...and it not that I feel a certain way for no reason, sometimes there are genuine issues that make me not feel as good as would like to...

And, speaking of using our emotions, I also watched Scene City Singapore, the two photographers on the show were asked to use emotions in their pictures from a cruise, about being away from Singapore which is their home. The show basically brought out like the issue of the number of Singaporeans living abroad. But, I was more intrigued by the impact it had on their picture when they put their emotions into it. Thus, I feel like it is an important and beautiful part of being a human being to feel emotions.

I guess, I got to just not allow anything to hold me back from enjoying my life. For the most part, it seems like I'm always seeing things in an emo kind of way, but I think that sometimes I just need to light up my life a little. I would draw a comparison to music. I need to sometimes take a break from the emo and just listen to something more upbeat. I just really need to breakout of this and look at things from different perspectives. I should just let go of everything that is holding me back and making me feel so weighed down and allow myself to be free to enjoy my life, to just be care-free and happy. And, I've learned to be confident in myself, to realise that I am doing all I can within my circumstances, and if people just don't like me, I can't force them to. So I just have to open up the dirty window, let the light shine through. To just be laid back, relax and just enjoy the beauty of the world me. You know the kind of happy kind of acoustic music...that's the kind of feel I'm going for...

Light up, light up, as if you have a choice...


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